Random Observation/Comment #844: With current tech, I can have Clembot everywhere. Join me and run my digital world.
Why this list?
I've been spicing things up at work by having Clembot join me during zoom calls. It was pretty easy to do: make a video of your normal background and just set your background to that video. It helps to have good lighting. It's also a good idea to record the person coming into frame and leaving naturally. Zoom does the replay loop automatically.
How'd I do it? Record and set it in your Background:
(Many thanks to my Consensys team members for tolerating me)
I wrote this list of 30 as planning, so I was able to record all of them at once with great lighting and preparing all of the materials. Total time was about an hour since these were all short clips.
I think I'll just casually change my background during calls and rotate between these to keep things interesting.
Clembot walks in and sits on the couch doing nothing and twiddling his thumbs
Clembot shows my book and starts reading it
Clembot walks closer to show another book in frame
Clembot writes on a white board "Buy ETH"
Clembot picks up uke and starts playing
Clembot taps my shoulder for a conversation
Clembot yawns and stretches
Clembot pets kitties
Clembot plays with fidget spinners
Clembot chats with me on the couch
Clembot sketches in a book and shows a fun sketch
Clembot sits in the main seat and pretends to run the call
Clembot eats a sandwich and apple
Clembot puts on consensys swag and sunglasses
Clembot dressed in a suit drinks some scotch
Clembot multiplies and comes into screen
Clembot comes in and stands over me to look at another screen
Clembot intently pays attention to the meeting and takes notes.
Clembot brings in some tea and drops it off
Clembot dances
Clembot throws a ball around
Clembot in pajamas puts on eye blinders and takes a nap
Clembot shaves and brushes his teeth
Clembot is interacting in a different zoom background saved as a video
Clembot gives Evie a high five
Clembot has a party hat and brings in a balloon
Clembot does some bicep curls with dumbells
Clembot makes a cup of tea on a side table and drinks with pinky out while reading a newspaper
Clembot comes in and sits down to work with coffee - I’m not even in the frame and Clembot takes my call
Two Clembots are shown. One is in frame working and the other is coming in frame in the back and doing things.
~See Lemons Hang out with Clembot at work