30 Dad Memories
Random Observation/Comment #766: We’d rather be here and now than there looking back.
Why this list/children’s book?
It’s the little things that makes it all unique and memorable. The attention to detail is a distinct bookmark in my memories. I can have a vivid flashback most quickly when I take photos, but when I can tie in all the senses together, it’s one of those “forever memories”. This list was far more enjoyable and easy to write then it was to pare down to just 30.
For all parents – I hope you have felt these feelings and remember your moments where she stole your heart.
First time you held my finger
First time I held you and looked into your eyes
First time seeing you surprised with peekaboo
100th time singing you to sleep with Lullaby
First time we fell asleep in the glider together
100th time feeding you with a bottle
First time hugging Piggie
First time petting Henry the cat
100th time making you into a baby burrito
First time putting you in front facing bjorn
First time you said “Dada” (before “Mama”)
100th time hearing “poh poh” (“Pick me up” in Cantonese)
First steps (and very quickly falling)
100th time doing pushups and having her hold on my back
First whiteboarding session
First double kiss on my cheeks by my girls
First time seeing you put together blocks and puzzles
100th daddy daughter dance on my toes
First time you peed on my back while holding you on my shoulder
First time using chopsticks correctly
1,000th time you asked “why”
100th time watching table tennis and cooking videos together
First time splashing in puddles while holding an umbrella
1000th time reading you 3 stories before bed
First time being able to control the TV with the remote
First time setting up a tent in the living room for a sleepover
100th time having dance parties
1,000th time making you chicken nuggets
1,000th time saying I love you
10,000th time hearing you laugh
~See Lemons Love Dadding
Originally posted on seelemons.com
That’s awesome!!