Random Observation/Comment #846: Dear AI, why did you start doing creative things? I thought humans were the only ones that can show creativity.
Why this List?
There’s no shortage of random insights. Some of them are dad jokes. Some of them are memories. They all make me pause and feel. Admittedly, a lot of these are just bad jokes I’ve heard. The algorithm knows what I laugh about.
Previous Random Insights: 2020, 2021, 2022, H1 2023, Q3 2023, H1 2024
You let them shenan once, they'll shenanigan.
What breaks, but never falls and falls, but never breaks? Day.
Procrastination. Working tomorrow for a better today.
The highest form of wealth is deciding you have enough.
If you're procrastinating, do it 100%. Don't do anything for a full 5 minutes. Don't be distracted by doing other things while procrastinating.
Don’t fear failure. Fear average.
If you think someone is normal, you don’t know them very well. Normalcy is a fiction. Your job is to discover their weird genius.
You will never be criticized by someone doing more than you. You will only be criticized by someone doing less.
Airports are a lot like Trump. A chaotic force that tears your family apart.
The first five days after the weekend are the worst.
They say one man in ten are gay, but don't you agree that one man in one is pretty gay too?
This is rich. It's umami and udadi.
The goal isn't to make a money so you don't need to work. The goal is to have fun playing the game.
I had a very busy day. I had a 12 piece chicken at KFC. It was on my bucket list.
95% of things people talk about are about themselves. And so are the other five percent.
Why aren't electricians call Power Rangers?
<Eating a split pea soup> This has heavy pea-ness flavor. Really pea-ness.
Are those all the dumplings? Because you leave me wonton more.
Friendship means little when it's convenient.
Dads - We finish each other's… basements.
If I can't change the world, maybe I can change the world’s expectations.
Write your life plan with a pencil with an eraser.
Have you ever gotten tired of darts? Just dart bored?
Envy is like drinking poison expecting the other person to die.
Dogs can't operate MRI machines, but cats-can.
Our fears of AI are misplaced trust in capitalism.
Ok. Is it weird that a-hole and b-hole mean the same thing?
What's the difference between a hormone and a vitamin? You can't hear a vitamin.
Profit maximizing goals. Surveillance is the business model of the internet.
I love going to concerts. I love seeing the band through the phone of the asshole standing in front of me.
~See Lemons Keep Making Random Observations and Comments