Random Observation/Comment #811: Socialites also know so many people’s names and bona fides.
Why this list?
As a completion-ist, I got introduced to Smartless in early June and I’ve probably listened to 50 episodes. Why do I love it? – Unscripted flow of questions from peers, fans, and friends. It sounds like I’m a fly on a wall at an exclusive Hollywood party. I’m a converted super fan.
Ending all episodes with versions of “bye” – These get pretty creative for the setup and then quickly go downhill with them just laughing and making fun of each other on how bad they are. Some of them are lazy, but we’ll allow it.
We crave for the moments where everyone laughs uncontrollably – Will Arnett has a deep and infectious laugh.
“Tracy” – This is used to break down “acting speak” to Sean’s sister from Wisconsin
JB loves golfing – It’s usually brought up during the interview or he’ll say he has a tee time in an hour.
Jason will ask about health routines and productivity – He’s unnaturally thin and fit. He also secretly loves sweets and junk food, but eats like a rabbit.
Jason has no idea what things cost because he grew up rich – Private jet jokes are on point.
Jason didn’t finish high school – He was already in “the business” at a young age.
Jason asks the longest questions with the most background and sometimes forgets the question all together
Jason asks “what do you do when you’re not working your professional life? What’s your vice? “
Sean will likely bring up preferences or Broadway shows – Sometimes he doesn’t ask any questions at all.
Sean eats all the desserts shamelessly
Sean has famously not watched Arrested Development
Sean’s Dad left him at 5 so Will Arnett almost always brings up a reference to it – It sounds pretty mean, but I think it’s not just expected
Sean always threatens to bring the piano to the podcast, but always says “we’ll have it next week”
hold for applause
Will has incredible memory on dates and events and reads / devours books
Willy’s birthday is on May 4th – … and he thinks Star Wars has stolen the attention away
Will loves asking about the initial casting and story behind getting the big gigs – These are great intros
I love it when they rip on each other about the horrible questions they ask. “What type of show is this?”
“From kangaroo to crickets. The Sean Hayes story” – I live for Will’s dismissive one liners.
“The white noise machine sounds like an applause, so it’s the only way I can fall asleep from people’s approval”
“What’s on your rider?” – I kind of love this question for all the rockstars
“Where are you going to eat? Chin chin?”
“Maybe we’ll ask him when he’s not bleeding Swedish fish out of his ass”
Lauren Michael impressions are the best with the SNL cast interviews
Peacock subscription is known as “the cock stream”
“Justin T is sleeve challenged “
“I have those. That’s a weird way to say thanks. What a good twist.”
“Do I have toubi?” – I get a mini chuckle when I turn on my Samsung TV and see the free Toubi trial from the home menu. Cracks me up every time.
~See Lemons Love SmartLess
Originally posted on seelemons.com