Random Observation/Comment #861: I’ve maxed out my skillset at a pretty low level.
//Generated with MidJourney and Insight Faceswap. I look like a video game character here, right?
Why this list?
Life is a one-shot campaign, so I treat it like an RPG. Build your character, embrace the grind, and enjoy the quests!
The more I think about my life like a video game, the easier it gets for me to make decisions. There’s a lot of self-set goals here only because I want to make the most of the game.
Skill trees are real - Invest in learning; every unlocked skill changes the dynamics of the game. I’m trying to build a mage tank. Perhaps I’m just a glass canon.
Grind for XP - Small, repetitive tasks eventually lead to level-ups. Make sure what you’re grinding is actually useful to building your character.
Focus on your health and dexterity points - Gym = training montage for your stats. I want to increase my health span.
Drinking side quests are always fun - They don’t move the story forward, but they sure are memorable.
Game economy is a bit weird - Inflation, student loans, and “loot boxes” called taxes. When will we just do a hard reset?
Is crypto an infinite money glitch? - Or is it a cursed item? Only time will tell.
Can the game devs patch it for me? - Asking, "Why is adulting so hard?" is like hoping for a hotfix.
Stamina bar needs some work - Coffee is the ultimate potion, but it’s not infinite. Sometimes i need a Monster energy.
Resting at the inn is essential - Sleep and vacations restore your HP and MP faster than anything. Remember to get enough sleep.
Join or make your own guild - Solo-ing life is hard; guilds (friends, family) make everything better. I need some help on some dungeons.
Inventory management matters - Don’t carry junk; declutter your gear and your life.
Beware of cursed items - Commitments or habits that drain your energy need to go. The interface may not show the red flags immediately.
Charisma is OP - A good attitude and social skills can unlock doors strength can’t. I don’t think the jobs I want to get will be through recruiters or job boards - I’ll get them from connections and old friends.
NPCs have wisdom - The most random strangers often drop the best advice. Sometimes you just need to ask the right questions.
Random encounters are unavoidable - Some are fun, some are annoying—stay prepared.
Build your character sheet - Define your strengths; are you a warrior, bard, or rogue? What are you working on and in what order?
Side quests add flavor - Hobbies and odd jobs may not progress the story, but they make it richer.
Fast travel unlocks later - Put in the effort before shortcuts become available. I don’t think there’s going to be physical teleportation, but how cool would it be to live in a Tesla bus that drives safely at night and lets me show up to cross country road trips?
Daily challenges pay off - Laundry, dishes, and workouts = free XP.
Stealth mode has its uses - Know when to lay low in life and when to strike.
Alchemy works IRL - Cooking, brewing, and creating are magical transformations. I love all these things. Drive yourself away from the digital economy to live in the real world.
Beware of PvP zones - Conflicts and competition are everywhere—choose your battles.
Embrace the Random Spawn of Enemies - Life is full of random events; roll with it. Hopefully you don’t have to physically fight any bosses.
Boss fights are inevitable - Tough deadlines, heartbreaks, or taxes: prep for battle!
Every choice matters - Even seemingly small decisions have ripple effects. Too bad we don’t have a save and load game feature to redo parts.
Easter eggs are everywhere - Pay attention to life’s hidden surprises and joy.
Level caps are self-imposed - Growth never stops unless you stop learning.
Resilience is your shield - Stay strong against setbacks; your defense stat is crucial.
The final boss is yourself - Mastering your own doubts and fears is the ultimate challenge.
Victory dances are mandatory - Celebrate every win, no matter how small—bonus points for style!
~See Lemons Play the Game