I still publish new material on seelemons.com whenever I find something intriguing to write about. This monthly newsletter is to give a heads up about those articles that might be interesting.
Theme of the Month - Amsterdam & Covid
The questions that led me to the posts for April were:
What do I normally read for keeping up with current events?
How do I prep for my trip to Amsterdam after not traveling internationally for 2+ years?
What is there to do in Amsterdam?
Amsterdam was incredibly fun, but stressful. I unwound nicely with a lot of walks and web3 devconnect events and then completely undid it by getting covid and sleeping for 14+ hours a day. I’m still feeling a little off and in need of a break from the break.
The blogposts I’ve published this month were:
30 News Subscriptions - I keep updated with the real world through a series of mediums that give me a few different views into the “trending” world news. I thought I’d be able to cut down some of these, but I actually really enjoy these newsletters, podcasts, and video sources.
30 Refreshed Travel Tips - It’s been a while since I’ve traveled, so I needed my own checklist of items. This was a very Clemens thing to do.
[Travel Advice] Amsterdam - Going back to my old writing style of travel advice for a beautiful walking city. I really lucked out with the April sunshine and tulip blooming. Kings day was absolutely incredible and I can’t wait to share this with my friends and family.
Some ideas for May 2022? I’m hoping to write whatever comes up. Maybe something about token design? Maybe something about parenting?
Thank you for reading and I hope everyone stays safe!
Please suggest a list of 30 and I’ll write it! I’ve written 230+ lists of 30 and only publish ones that I think other people would enjoy. It’s my fun brainstorming routine.