Random Observation/Comment #859: I wonder what random insights my Clembot will have about me?
Why this List?
Let’s keep observing random insights. Dad jokes? Yes, please. Mostly memories. They all make me pause and feel. Admittedly, a lot of these are just bad jokes from memes and Twitter. Will I never call it X? Enjoying the journey.
Why do people pronounce the g in longevity twice?
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?
Brushing your teeth is the only time you're washing your skeleton.
I think there needs to be a word for "The sheer pleasure of coming home from vacation and using your own bathroom"
Foot. A device for finding furniture in the dark.
A book is like a gift you can open again and again.
The value of playing is more important than the winning. Don’t ruin the joy of fun.
Ladies. Mansplaining is short for man explaining.
I took a pole recently and I found that 100% of people were annoyed their tent had fallen down.
I bought an alcoholic some ginger beer. He wasn't pleased.
Anyone else get mad when they rearrange the grocery store?
What is 6.9? A good thing ruined by a period.
Retirement is a financial goal and not an age.
The rich get richer and the poor do the best that they can.
Don't offer people a lecture when they need a hug.
My wife and I laugh at how competitive we are. But I laugh more.
Finally my winter fat is gone. Now I have spring rolls.
I hate it when my wife says "are you listening to me?!" What a random way to start a conversation.
I ate a kid’s meal at McDonalds today. Her mom wasn't very happy about it.
As a man, an emotion is a feeling to be solved, not something to be talked about.
Everything is restaurant grade if you don't give a shit about the customer.
I hope one day my Wikipedia page links to yours.
The Olympics: the time where we watch physically glorious people do impossible things as we all sit on the sofa covered in popcorn and shout at them to do better. Beautiful.
Listen man. I'm not super saiyan. I'm just sayin.
Don't think about your life span. Think about your health span.
Egg salad is still chicken salad if you think about it.
A gentleman is never rude by accident.
The greatest skill to teach someone to withstand the test of time is story telling.
It's not the child's job to check in on the parents, but it is humanity's job to check in on each other.
It's not the pursuit of happiness. It's the happiness of the pursuit. It's neither the journey nor the destination. It's the person you become along the way.
~See Lemons Observing the World
Some previous random insights: